Cod: ENY-02 |
Weight: 80 gr. |
US$ 15,12
Pure yacon leaves capsules, yacon leaves have hypoglycemic properties (lowering the blood glucose levels) and lipolytic, ie values can help lower high blood cholesterol. Also presented a moderate hypotensive activity, so it can be used in people with type II diabetes and / or dyslipidemia and hypertension.
It is important to emphasize that the kinds of sugars found in Yacon: 17-20% fresh roots and 65 per cent when dried, is inulin, a polymer of glucose and it is suitable for human consumption, and can be used by diabetics and people who follow regimes to lose weight or to prevent weight gain.
Scientific name: Smallanthus sonchifolius
yacon properties:
Hypoglycemic and hypotensive
100% pure and natural yacon leaves, no preservatives, artificial flavors or colors.
How to use
Oral: take 2 yacon capsules after meals.
Keep the container of yacon capsules tightly closed and store it in a cool, dry place protected from light.
The effects of this product is backed by empirical experience of ancient traditional medicines, with excellent results and the absence of harmful side effects if given within the correct dose. The information listed identified here is by no means an ordinance or a prescription, the use of these natural products does not replace a medical consultation which INKANATURAL does not intend to replace.